"I pee when I sneeze!" is a common thing I hear from most of my clients. Given that most of my clients are recent, and not so recent, mommies, it doesn't surprise me. They also pee when they laugh, cough, fart, jump, run, chase children, hit bumps in their car, etc. Oh the joys of pregnancy, right?
"It's such a beautiful time in a woman's life!" Whatever! There was nothing beautiful about what I had going on other than the amount of money I must've made the shareholders at Taco Tico because that's all I wanted! Every. Single. Day.
"You forget all the discomforts once you hold that precious child!" I didn't. I was grateful she was finally on the outside instead of constantly playing hopscotch from my bladder to my colon. I was grateful I didn't have to hug the toilet 17 times a day and pretend I just had a 24 hour bug instead of a 9 1/2 month hangover. Yes, the second one came late but was a lot of fun to make...
I do remember how I enjoyed feeling those first few kicks, and seeing those knees and elbows roll around like little aliens. I remember more how constipated I got, how much I threw up and still managed to gain 40 lbs. I remember how glorious it was to set my bowl of ice cream on my tummy like it was a table. Then watch the Biggest Loser, only to think somehow, I still must have it better than they did. After all, I was, generally speaking, just carrying the weight in one area.
2nd kid. She came out 32 days after this pic was taken. Little Butthead. Good times. |
Now, my 2nd child was only 8 pounds, 7 ounces. I maintained a pretty active lifestyle throughout the pregnancy. Who wouldn't with all that running to the bathroom, nearest trashcan, parking lot, or dressing room to throw up in. Labor and recovery was not horrible for me. Although, my husband MAY have had a rougher time than I did. Bless his heart... Regardless, with my knowledge of the body and my pelvic floor, I knew what I had to do to "fix" what that little miracle had done to my body.
Enter personal trainer mindset:
Core muscles are extremely valuable. I don't care if you are a 12 year old olympic marathon runner, a 75 year old recreational pole vaulter, a 25 year old professional athlete or 40 year old stay-at-home mother of 1, CORE STRENGTH IS PRICELESS.
Are you tired of peeing when you sneeze? How about when you laugh, cough, fart, jump, run, chase children, or hit bumps in the car? There are a few key exercises you can do to prevent this.
KEGEL. Kegel like your life depended on it. In line at the grocery store. In the shower. Giving the kids a bath. Watching TV. The only way anyone will know if you are doing a kegel is if you have that silly, confused "am I doing this right?" look on your face. "Well Laura, how do I know if I'm doing it right?" Girl, squeeze your business like you'll never let yourself pee again. Repeat often. Every single day.
Another exercise that will engage the entire pelvic floor is the pelvic tilt. Start by lying on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Yes, that's my puppy dog's nose. Yes, we're in the office. |
The roll of the hips is minimal, but makes a HUGE difference. |
Squeeze your butt cheeks like you are trying not to poop your pants, roll your hips slightly towards the ceiling and do a kegel. This will encompass your entire pelvic floor. Your hips will raise slightly off the ground and you'll even get a little ab work in the process if you're doing it right.
Hopefully, with enough pelvic floor "rehab" you will prevent all your embarrassing leakage moments. I know that by doing these few simple exercises, I will never have to worry about it!